About Me

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Zone 4, London, United Kingdom
Words. Visual. Creativity. Mix. Chinese. Swearing.

Friday, 27 November 2009

In nearly a month.

Wow. This is one of the longest since i've last posted something.

Sorry for the AWOL, I haven't left left, i'm just stupidly busy with uni. If I have to think about anything fashion/art based, anything fun, it's going to relate to uni. The less time I think about it, the slightly easier i'll sleep. Hopefully.

I should be back to normal occassional blogging after I break up for the holidays. Or when I hand in my work to be marked, which is mid december.


I'm mad at myself about not finding out about it sooner and buying the magazine.

I'll post when i'm less stressed.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. We need something like this in the UK.