About Me

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Zone 4, London, United Kingdom
Words. Visual. Creativity. Mix. Chinese. Swearing.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

On unofficial hiatus.

I'm really sorry for neglecting this blog for so long, i havent done what some bloggers do and just disappeared.. Not that there isnt anything wrong with that, it's their blog and their decision, so its not my business to judge. Ive said plenty of time that i should blog more and im just going to blame uni for it all :D

Like the title says, ''On unofficial hiatus', well, it isnt 'unofficial' because im actually telling you that i am on 'hiatus'.

One main reason really, despite actually having time to blog, im too lazy at the moment and i should be trying to do re-submittion work for uni that will ensure my entry into 2nd year. Although there too is a summer project, a place in 2nd year is much more important. So, i guess, it isnt so 'hiatus'-sy as i will, from now and maybe the end of this week, i will be perhaps, posting something, a small blog or a picture, or a link or two. There sure will be a post after this, so.... perhaps the 'small break' is a bit pointless and im waffling, but for that i'll blame the hilarious comedian dude, Tim Minchin. Im watching one of his tapes shows and he semi waffles, except his 'waffles' are his acts and they're hilarious.

How long my 'break' is, well, hand-in date is 25th August, and because my birthday is the day before (20!!!!!!), i hope to have it done before then so i can somewhat enjoy and relax. I'll hopefully start on thursday.... Get it done asap, so many birthdays in august.

So yes, this post was meant to tell, the small numbers of readers, thank you guys :) - that i will be back. If you carry on commenting on my posts and whatnot, i do promise to reply and comment, etc. I do read blogs still, but its just laziness stopping me from commenting and im dont really know what to say, i tend to sound like a fangirl when i comment so... you know... and if you dont reply to people... your blog.... goes to shits.... :D

Just whatever happens, im still reading blogs. I lurk a lot. Its great.

I hope this isnt my 100th post yet. I'll have to delete some other crap posts so i can do the, ''Gosh, wow, a suprise 100th post party for me?!?!?!?''

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